Flesh Wound can be found at IMPERIAL INC NZ
168 Taita Drive, Avalon, Lower Hutt
Flesh Wound Body Piercing Studio in Wellington, has a long standing reputation for their exceptional standard of hygiene, professional technique, and knowledge.
The only studio in the lower-North Island that provides the arts of Piercing, Stretching, Cutting, Branding, Hook Suspensions, and Live Theatre Piercings.
At Flesh Wound we strive for excellence, and making your piercing experience as gentle and informed as possible. We prepare your piercing experience with a gentle tissue massage, this reduces resistance to the area. We also use a slow deep breathing technique, that lets your body and mind relax at the moment the piercing is made. We do not use or require any form of topical numbing agent or freeze spray, these products are not necessary or sterile and cause more discomfort and risk of frost bite in the case of freeze spray. Piercers who use numbing agents generally do so to cover up their poor and slow piercing skills.
After you’ve been pierced we ask you to add comments to our guest book which is full of positive comments from clients who minutes before were anxious or scared of the anticipated pain. Comments frequently read “Didn’t Hurt. Well Informed.”
Aftercare information is supplied with each piercing both verbally and with an aftercare sheet. We also offer post-piercing assistance, and like our clients to come back a week or two later for a check up, or at any time should your healing be troublesome.
Jewellery & Needles
A wide range of jewellery is available, and only items made of safe materials are used, e.g. Surgical Steel, Titanium, Bio Plast, and PTFE. Each individual is custom fitted with jewellery of the appropriate thickness and diameter or length suitable for their piercing.
We import our range of jewellery from England, USA and Indonesia. Our range includes, but is not limited to;
At Flesh Wound we use Needle Blades, not Canular/Catheter Needles, as we find them faster and less traumatic than the plastic sleeve alternative. We always have a large stock on hand from 18ga, 16ga, 14ga, 12ga, 10ga, 8ga, and 6ga.

Flesh Wound’s Vacuum Cycle Autoclave
Each needle is used on one piercing only and immediately disposed of in a medical sharps container.
All bio-hazardous waste and all used needles/sharps are disposed of in a safe manner.
Our sterilisation is done in-house. Firstly by soaking tools in a disinfectant, then cleaning in an Ultra Sonic Cleaner, then tools are sealed in autoclave tubing. After sterilisation in our autoclave, tools are dated and ready for storage.
All Jewellery is prepacked and sterilised, ready for installation in your new piercing.
Our Prestige Medical Autoclave is spore tested at least monthly to ensure 100% sterilisation is achieved.